
who you are

By Tarun Prajapat

You are incredible, you are special, you are human

"Why am I here?..."How am I here?" ...mixed with this intense awareness of my surroundings rushing through me to a tantalising quiver, it was more of "I can't believe I'm here!".


That was the first time I questioned my existence. I was five or six, sitting by the window at the end of a row of tables, eating my lunch when I suddenly stopped and became sharply aware of everything - as if something had entered my brain, but it wasn't inspiration. You would think I was looking out of the window at the time, no; it was the wall of the lunch/PE hall of my infant school. I could feel my eyeballs as I tried to decipher how I was able to see through them - in fact, I was trying to figure out who was seeing through them, was it me? Who was 'me'? Who was this person inside my body that was looking, hearing, smelling and touching? What was I? I still remember that moment vividly; I can hear the sounds of children, the glare of sunlight, and the colours.


...I can't believe I'm here!

You're not alone

What happened to me that fateful day, I am certain, happens to all of us at some point in our lives, only that we are bombarded with infinite distractions these days - hence why it is so difficult for the notion to latch-on and take hold, helping us direct our lives towards a more balanced path.


We should all question our existence and endeavour to seek meaning, it is what makes us human, after all. But, I emphasise heavily on the importance of seeking, otherwise we gradually forget ourselves, and look to artificial solutions for regaining that lost meaning to life. With that approach, it only leads us down a line of confusion and imbalance. More importantly, it takes away our individuality and compassion for one another - we forget just how incredibly special we are, all humans are.

nothing can stop you become the master of your destiny

Searching for meaning my whole life, I eventually came to accept the predicament of materialism we face in today's society. But, rather than submit, I came up with a practical solution; one that uses materialism against itself and, after many years of research and experimentation, I founded Sivamala.


The Sivamala can neutralise every obstacle by representing a physical and material point of reference in your life. Your Sivamala becomes a conscious act of defiance against materialism, social submission, and helps you regain your individuality.


Your Sivamala is a reminder of who you truly are, and what you can become.

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